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Music Tectonics

Jul 25, 2019

Music is igniting activities and experiences that used to be siloed, spreading like wildfire and transforming other industries. Host Dmitri Vietze chats with Tristra Newyear Yeager, resident music tech expert, about where the music spark is catching fire, from the sublime to the ridiculous. How is music changing TV,...

Jul 18, 2019

For Bandsintown CEO Fabrice Sergent, marketing concerts isn’t about hype. It’s about supporting artists, connecting people through the experience of live music, and preserving a bastion of free speech. That’s why Bandsintown built a platform to help fans discover live concerts and to let artists promote their...

Jul 11, 2019

Just like the old nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty, the music industry had a great fall and shattered. Vickie Nauman witnessed the fall when the Napster-driven shift from physical to digital hit in 2000, and is one of the digital music pioneers who put the industry back together again. Listen in as she explores the...

Jul 8, 2019

Music Tectonics is targeting the seismic shifts that have created the music landscape of today and tomorrow. These are climate changes, tectonic shifts beneath the surface, unexpected flash floods, or meteor collisions. Today we tackle “Music is More Global Than Ever,” a look at the many ways that the shift from...